Rebecca Stone
In all, the trailer features each of the sports that will be available to play in Nintendo Switch Sports: soccer, volleyball, bowling, tennis, badminton, and chambara. For each sport, we see the young girl playing in these real sports settings, but a giant screen with the video game is set up in front of her. It then flashes to where she really is, which is in her living room playing with her family. It’s meant to show how playing the game can make you feel like you are truly playing the sport on a real-life professional court or field, especially when making use of the Joy-Con leg strap for realistic motion controls. The theme of the trailer is “Run This House,” demonstrating the competitive nature of challenging family and friends. You can watch this latest trailer for Nintendo Switch Sports below. It’s pretty awesome to see how each of the in-game sports translates to a real-life setting, and the competition against family members is very reminiscent of the Wii Sports days. Nintendo Switch Sports will release on April 29 and can be pre-ordered right now.

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Latest Nintendo Switch Sports Trailer Brings the Thrill of Sports to Life - 33