In countries like India or South Africa, which have congested and limited mobile internet, it’s hard to rely on these alerts to receive firsthand information. On the other hand, speed and prevention in emergency situations can save lives. With Mesh Network Alerts, IBM, owner of The Weather Company, tries to remedy this problem. See the video below, which shows how the app works:-
But how does everything work? Basically, the application uses the radio sensors on Android to send alerts to other devices, even though they are no signal, as there are other ways to receive data without necessarily being on the mobile connection. One of the devices must be connected to the network to receive the main alert. Then it spreads the information to other devices as if it were peer-to-peer (only without the internet). As the range is a few tens of meters away, these alerts are ideal for large centers, where not everyone can have the internet, but there are many devices that are close to each other. However, isolated areas, unfortunately, would not benefit much. According to IBM, they preferred to use the smartphone – device that is in everyone’s pocket – to test new technologies like drones and balloons to expand access to the mobile network. Already available in India, these alerts are expected to arrive “soon” in other countries as well, such as Angola, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Venezuela. But, if you want then you simply see the full list from here.